Call for ParticipationThe Magiculum

Saturday, 10th June 2017 in The Sir Patrick Stewart Building at The University of Huddersfield.

Hosted by the Magic Research Group at The University of Huddersfield – The Magiculum is a one-day symposium on magic, enchantment and mystery, exploring performance magic as a map for re-enchantment in all its forms. Taking a deliberately open approach to the work, we welcome proposals for papers, provocations, short performances or workshops on notions of the performance and the study of magic.

Magiculum is a term that emerged from considerations of the curriculum for magic in all its forms. The term evolved to include the study and performance of magic, and the physical gatherings of broad minded magicians and mystery entertainers. It is also the title of an edited volume of essays by Academic Magician Todd Landman published in 2014 by EyeCorner Press.

Contributions to the symposium will be considered for publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of Performance Magic (Due for publication October 2017)

Please e-mail a 300 word proposal to along with a 50 word bionote by 1st March 2017.