>Can you define “magic” in 120 characters or less including spaces?

An event so extraordinary that I don’t care how it occurred, I just lose myself in the wonderment of its effect. MurrayMoss

Recreating reality KellyJS

A trick or illusion that is considered magical by observers. E Gibbs

An act that defies or broadens our perceptions of how the world works. D Calvert

sufficiently advanced technology Harry Harrold

A suitably skilled display of some sorts which incorporates an illusion and beguiles the masses. yetidave

Completely fake but gets people squeeling like a demented pig if performed correctly. Ruth J

Magic = making something impossible out of what you have. Ie something out of nothing or v little Tittch

being able to do the impossible Iain

The art of astonishment Replicant

Magic is the beguiling offspring of true effect and false cause, created to masquerade as an impossible whole. Tomo

taking the practical and making it look impossible magicdiscoman

The illusion of impossibility M Jay

Making the impossible possible wiffyboy

Magic is The Most Beautiful Art Form, which is created from within the circumstance, and which happens in the moment G Williams

watching your head grow and then shrink. C Ellis

Magic. A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. A Ratcliffe (via W Churchill)