Very happy to see that the the Magiculum issue of The Journal of Performance Magic is out now.  It’s open access and can be found here;

The contents are as follows;

Chamberlain, Franc Editorial for JPM Issue 5

Landman, Todd Academic Magic: Performance and the Communication of Fundamental Ideas.

Taylor, Nik Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick.

Dean, Edward The End of Mindreading.

Corrigan, Brian Jay “This Rough Magic I Here Abjure” Performativity, Practice and Purpose of the Bizarre.

We also have an open call for papers for the next issue;

Call for Papers

 The Journal of Performance Magic: immersive magic and imaginary worlds –guest editor Andy Cooper

The next issue of The Journal of Performance Magic seeks papers which explore the connection between performance magic and immersive theatre, live action events and gaming

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Magical thinking and event/game design
  • Enhancing immersion through illusion
  • The ‘Magician’ as character, archetype or trope
  • Representation of ‘Magic’ in gaming and live events
  • Virtual Reality and magical worlds
  • Play in magical performance
  • Audience involvement / Audience as actor
  • Non-traditional spaces for magical performance

All contributions will be peer-reviewed subject to their acceptance. Full details can be found at

Please e-mail your contributions and/or queries to the editors Nik Taylor & Stuart Nolan (by 31st August 2018)